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- Create Date July 15, 2023
- Last Updated July 15, 2023
Indigenous Youth: A Quest for Reformed Governance Structures for Promoting Batwa Youth Employment in Uganda
This policy brief on Indigenous youth contends that the state system needs to effectively take action to restructure governance organs at diverse levels of society to create Batwa youth employment. This is essentially in order to engage these Indigenous youth into the available local socio-economic opportunities in the state system. Current data, illustrate generally low rate of youth employment at the global, regional and national levels, especially in Africa. The problem of unemployment among the youth of the Batwa Indigenous community in Uganda is even more dire. This Policy brief emphasizes the role of the state and its partners such as the UN and the local voluntary sector in general, in designing and implementing employment strategies to promote decent work for Indigenous youths. With an emphasis on the governance mechanisms to support Batwa youth entrepreneurship, a call to highlight their Indigenous knowledge, aspirations, context, experiences, and resource base at the local state level; is underlined. The brief, overall, proposes context-relevant policyinterventions for transformation of governance mechanisms that foster Indigenous youth employment opportunities. From the resource conservation perspective, the brief further calls upon the government to close the gaps in the governance instruments responsible for Indigenous youth failure to access employment opportunities for expanding the sustainable resource management frontier.